Die ungezählte Geliebte

Die ungezählte Geliebte

I saw you again this afternoon.
You’d left your bike against the sunny wall
In the valley under the castle ruin.
You had crossed the narrow wooden bridge
Over the little stream
To sit on the grass beneath a tree.
And were you waiting there for me?

Over the years we’ve met from time to time
And never once exchanged a word.
Our eyes have crossed again and again
And we have both looked down,
And I’ve had nothing, nothing to say
To hold up the moving day,
And stop the moment passing by.

In shops I have seen you in a queue
Patiently waiting to pay,
Or waiting for the train to rattle in
On a busy station on the Circle Line.
I have seen you in bars and on mountain paths
But we have never stopped to talk.
Each time we continued on our track
And climbed into our different cars
And gone our different ways,
With just one hesitant look back.

Our eyes have met again and again
And then we both have looked aside,
And I’ve had nothing, nothing to say,
To hold you back.
We’ve both gone on with our day to day
Each one on our separate way.


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