A yard apart

A yard apart

A photograph of a young refugee in a magazine

Just a moment together
For the photo.
They are a yard, perhaps two, apart,
And they collaborate in the action
That takes 1/125th of a second,
A click of a shutter sharing place and time.

Her fine eyes look at the lens
But ignorant of her beauty
She wonders why
She is singled out for such attention.

Then each returns,
Pulled back by their origins and obligations
To their different daily lives,
A world apart.

Do not say,
‘She’ll be OK,
Her photo was taken,
She will be helped,
She will be fine.’
For she wandered back into the bush or desert or scrub of the world.

He packed up his camera,
With the shot inside
That would give him fame.
And she was not seen again
By the lens.

Perhaps she was happy,
But we do not know.


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