Johnson of London Part 5 'Tetty'
BOSWELL No, don’t run off with the wrong idea. Johnson
loved Tetty. That’s a fact. We think of the difference in
their ages, and because of that we discount the whole marriage. We
forget how much he loved her. When they married, she was in her
mid-forties and he was 25. She was in her late fifties when Johnson was busy
with the Dictionary. He couldn’t devote much time to her, and she
was getting older. Things were not easy for them. Things change for
every couple, from the honeymoon onwards! It’s a question of
changing with them. Nothing stays the same, I’m
afraid. Nothing ever stays the same!
(Johnson is standing near his table in the middle of the
stage. He picks up the bills from the table, one by one.)
JOHNSON “Four shillings for laudanum.” (He shakes his
head.) “Laudanum…” That’s opium, Tetty, “…for Elizabeth Johnson”.
(He picks up another bill.)
“Two shillings and three pence for gin for Elizabeth Johnson.”
(And another)
“Three shillings and nine pence for three (he pauses) novels.”
(He picks up the novels, one after the other, and reads he titles.)
“Innocence Preserved in St James’s Palace”
“High Life and Low Life in (he pauses) Tottenham Court Road. One
shilling and nine pence.”
“Second Love at Harvest Time or Make Hay while the Sun Shines by Abigail
Oh, Tetty!
(Tetty enters, dishevelled from her bed, a paper in her
hand. She looks her age now.)
JOHNSON Tetty, Tetty! Is all this necessary?
TETTY None of this would be
necessary if life were more amenable. Would I read novels if I had
you at home to talk to? At least I have my novels with me. You
are always upstairs, on the top floor, shut away with your dictionary, wading
through the English language.
JOHNSON And the gin?
TETTY I wouldn’t need gin if
you were here. Anyway, “To gild the bitter pill of life, anything is
excusable!” You said that, Sir, I believe. Do you remember
what I left to marry you? A position and a house and my own
furniture! (She touches his table). Look at this
table! Ugh! My furniture was of the best.
(She paces up and down. Johnson throws himself into a chair.)
Better to be someone in Birmingham than no one in London! I
had family. I had my own curtains and my two armchairs, one on each
side of the fireplace. I made those curtains. My mother
and I made them. I had my own sewing box, inlaid with different
coloured wood it was, red and green and brown, all in shapes of diamonds, and
we had to sell it in the summer in “our period of distress”. Our
“period of distress”, Sir, is never-ending. Our “period of distress”
is a very long period indeed!
(She sits and cries a little and then shakes her fist at him, still
holding the paper.)
JOHNSON I never promised you money, Tetty.
TETTY You could promise
nothing! You have done nothing! We have
nothing! Where did my money go? It disappeared in your
school. Edial Hall, it was called! “A school for young
gentlemen.” A disaster for young gentlemen! Three pupils,
wasn’t it? No, we once reached the grand total of
seven. But only three stayed. There’s success for
you! You knew too much to teach. You couldn’t come down
to their level. You have to put yourself in their shoes,
Sam. That’s all that matters in teaching, never mind all the
methods. Just put yourself in their shoes! But you
didn’t, did you! Three pupils! And one of them, that
young clown David Garrick, used to mimic you behind your back. He
was good too. Sometimes I thought it was you holding forth in a room
and when I went in, there he was, sitting in your chair giving a lesson of
Latin grammar, with the other two boys laughing their heads off. And
look at him now. He is a rich man, Sam. He owns Drury
Lane Theatre!
JOHNSON He has earned it! He had given the public what
the public wants, and that’s all that matters. It’s the number one
rule in the theatre. Give the public what the public
wants. The public wants theatre not Latin! No, I’ll hear nothing
against David.
(As Tetty walks past him, Johnson takes the paper from her hand.)
Another bill? No, it’s “The Rambler”. Number
23. Have you read this?
TETTY I am reading it.
TETTY (Smiling) I
knew you could write well, Sam, but I never thought you could write as well as
this. The richest merchant in Birmingham could not have written
JOHNSON It’s as well I can do something that the richest merchant
in Birmingham cannot do! (Smiling) You remember, Tetty,
how we rode to our wedding? You remember how you lagged behind?
TETTY I was only playing.
JOHNSON You were testing me! And I rode on and left you,
and then you came up all in tears. Eh, Tetty, do you remember
TTETY And do you remember what
my family said about you? How they all said I’d gone out of my mind
when I decided to marry you?
JOHNSON And you said, “For aught I can see, Mr Johnson is the most
sensible man I have ever known!”
TETTY You will finish the
dictionary, Sam. The Dictionary will make you. Don’t
waste any more time down here! Go upstairs to the
Dictionary! It will make your name. Once you are known,
you’ll be alright. Everything will be alright.
JOHNSON (Kissing her) Finish this (He gives her back her copy of
“The Rambler”.) and don’t bother with these! (He throws the novels into the
waste paper basket.)
TETTY Oh! (But then
she looks at her copy of ‘The Rambler’, smiles and leaves.)
JOHNSON Poor Tetty. First, they laughed at us because I
was too young, and now they laugh at us because you have grown
old. But we’ll manage! Let no man interfere with another
man’s marriage. It’s like separating two dogs in a
fight. You only get your own hand bitten off. The two dogs need each
TETTY (Off stage)
Sam! Stop dawdling! The Dictionary, Sam. It
will make your name. Go up to the Dictionary!
JOHNSON (As he goes) Ugh! “S”. We have got to “S”. So
that’s just seven letters to go!
TETTY (Off stage) Samuel!
JOHNSON (Shouting to her) I’m on my way! (To himself)
Thank goodness for X and Y and Z. They are a lexicographer’s
dream! But S is a nightmare. There are an awful lot of
Ss. I have been three weeks on the Ss already! How I long
to get to Z. Z for zebra. An animal with stripes which is found mainly … Ah
well! (He leaves.)
(Tetty returns stealthily and on tiptoe walks to the waste paper
basket. She retrieves the three novels, smiles, and runs out of the
Almost immediately Johnson creeps back quietly. He checks the
waste paper basket, sees it empty, smiles and shrugs his
shoulders. Then he goes up to the room where the Dictionary is
JOHNSON Now to the dictionary.
To the letter ‘S’. Senseless, silly, soporific, stupid and, of course, Samuel!
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