Ley de vida

Ley de vida

Conversation in a care home, Soria, Spain.  March, 2016.

“Es ley de vida, Maria.”
This is the law of life, Maria.
This is how things are, you know.

Two years ago, I knew
I had to leave my home and go.
I could no longer cook or clean,
Or even pick the few beans
Left in the garden,
Full of weeds now, I’m afraid,
Full of weeds.

This is the law of life, Maria,
And no one is exempt.
Not even the little girls
Running down the street,
That we once were.

So here we are
And we do what we can.

I can still use a needle, thank God,
And so they bring me all the little things
That need some stitching here or there,
Or I sew a name on a new white blouse
For someone who has just arrived.
And I am useful in a way.

And so we must go on.
We must do what we can do.
I know that here the days are dull.
The days are long
But the years are short.
We know every mark on the floor
From hours of careful watching,
Or else we study the ceiling,
I could tell you every crack there,
Or we stare at the window by the door.
For when we are still and sitting here,
We cause no trouble.

We, who ruled our little school room
And silenced the chatter of the wily, wayward boys
Who now themselves are old and slow.

We, who ruled the farm
Who knew each goat and cow,
The dogs and all the ginger cats,
All gone now.
They knew my ways
For every dawn they came for food
When I threw the shutters open.

We, who ruled our family
And reared our children
And taught them what to say and do
And then, when needed, taught
Our children’s children too.

No, no.  Stay. Don’t go!
When we are still and sitting here,
We cause no trouble.

Though a little walk outside
In the air and in the sun
Would be a change in the long day inside.

But there we are.
We mustn’t bother them.
We must do what we can do.

Listen, they are calling us for dinner.
It is time to go,
To make a move
To begin our daily pilgrimage to the dining room.
So let us start the slow progression
To our table.

I wonder what we’ll have today.
The soup is always good, you know.

And so, Maria, let us go
Along the passage.
And as they push your chair,
I’ll walk beside you,
While I can.


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