Johnson of London Part 10 'Boswell at home' and Part 11 'Back from The Club'
BOSWELL (In his room in his lodgings.) Well, this is
home. It’s not palatial but it’s enough for me. And I did get back
here without distractions, and I did write it all down. Everything
Johnson says, I write down. At first it wasn’t easy to remember, but now I
think I have the hang of it. I concentrate on the conversation, and
I even repeat some of the best bits to myself. Then as soon as I
can, I take myself back in my mind to the room where the conversation took
place, and I act it out all over again, and I find I can get most of it down on
paper. I am pretty good at it now, though I say it
myself! I can get his tone more or less right.
He mentioned Uttoxeter Market and then he stopped. I don’t
know what happened in Uttoxeter but sooner or later I will. Then you
will all know. Really now, what would you do without me!
I have talked to Sir Joshua Reynolds and to Oliver Goldsmith and
gradually I am accumulating more information about his early days in
London. You see, I didn’t know him then, and I have to rely on other
people. But I’m nearly up to date. (He writes.) ‘London,
May 1768.’ From now on it should be plain sailing.
So what will he do now? His name is made. He is
Dictionary Johnson, Rambler Johnson and Shakespeare Johnson
too. Yes, he has done an edition of Shakespeare, well, the edition
of Shakespeare. Single-handed again. Published three
years ago, it was. He went through every play. That meant
he had to go through ‘King Lear’. He told me that when he was a child
and read the death of Cordelia he was so sad that he could not read ‘King Lear’
again, until he had to go through it for his edition of Shakespeare. Poor
‘Why should a dog, a horse, a rat have life,
And thou no breath at all?’
And, thank the Lord, he has the pension. Did I tell you about
that? I rather think I did, at the beginning, but it’s worth another
mention. You see, after producing “The Dictionary” and a lot else
and after writing so much and so well, Johnson was still as poor as
ever. Once he was even arrested for debt. Imagine
that! The great philosopher of “The Rambler” in
prison! Then, someone in the government, prompted by some of
Johnson’s friends, (No, I didn’t know him then. It was nothing to do
with me.) Well, this government minister, to his eternal credit, proposed that
Johnson should receive an annual pension of £300 for services to
literature. There was a small problem, though.
Listen to this. It’s Johnson’s definition of ‘pension’ in the
dictionary. You see at that time a lot of pensions were given to
people just so they would support the government of the day, and that’s what
Johnson is getting at. Listen! This is his definition in his
dictionary (He reads.) ‘Pension. An allowance made to anyone without an equivalent.’
(To the audience) Without working for it, that means. (He continues to read.)
‘In England it is generally understood to mean pay given to a state hireling
for treason to his country.’ Strong stuff, eh?
Well, the moment Johnson heard that he might be offered this money, he
rushed round to Reynolds for advice, and Reynolds told him to accept it, of
course, and that it was given to him for what he had done already and not for
any services in the future. Reynolds has just been telling me about it. Anyway,
with the pension Johnson no longer had to worry about money. He had
a little to spend for the first time in his life. Not before time
either. It came too late for his wife, though. It came
too late for Tetty.
Oh, another thing. Then you can go. In the winter of 1764, a few months after meeting me, Johnson founded The Club. It doesn’t have a name! It doesn’t need one. It is just The Club. It is a select group, select, oh yes very select. And it is an unusual club too because the qualification for membership is brains not money. That’s a welcome change, isn’t it! Money can usually get you anywhere, but it won’t get you into The Club. Besides Johnson there is Reynolds, Goldsmith, you already know them, and Edmund Burke, the Irish statesman and philosopher. Beauclerk and Bennet Langton are also members. I’ll tell you more about them later on. The Club is a Who’s Who of the people who matter in London. Not the celebrities, who just come and go, but the people who will be remembered for something worthwhile. Celebrities are of no importance really. The members of The Club meet for a weekly discussion over a meal and a drink.
It is the club in London. And it is my dream to be
elected a member. Think of that! Me! If
Johnson wishes it, I may be lucky, but I am not sure if all the other members
would be in agreement. But there we are. Then I could
record what Johnson says there. That would be my
contribution. Johnson is the centre-piece and the others all
revolve around him like the planets around the sun. (He goes back to his table,
and picks up his pen.) Now, to write out the rest of my notes from
Reynolds and Goldsmith. You’ll have to excuse me. It’s
been good to have a chat, but it’s just that if I don’t do it now, it just goes. You
can read it all later anyway.
(Johnson’s house. Levet comes shuffling in from the
right. Miss Williams is sitting on the far left, sewing. Levet looks
around the room.)
Johnson? Isn’t Johnson at home? Where is he?
(He walks over to Miss Williams and shouts in her ear.) Where
is he tonight then?
WILLIAMS (She jumps
in surprise and pricks her finger with the needle.) Oah! I am blind not deaf!
LEVET (to himself) Yes, you’re
blind alright, Miss W! I don’t know why she insists on
sewing. Ridiculous! (He mimics her.) Can I sew that
button on for you, Mr Johnson?
was that?
LEVET (Impatiently) I
said I was looking for Mr Johnson.
LEVET I know it’s
Friday! Lord, what a woman!
Friday so he’s at The Club. Sir Joshua will be there and Edmund
Burke and Goldsmith. That scallywag Boswell will be there, hanging on his coat
sleeve as usual. Ugh! That man gives me the creeps! I
don’t know how Mr Johnson can stand him. He was only elected to the
Club because Mr Johnson insisted on it. (She holds her hands
together in a pathetically wistful way, Cinderella dreaming of the ball.) Yes,
they will be a glittering company tonight. (To Levet) And no one
will outshine him. Of that you can be sure.
LEVET Hmph! (He sees Hodge
sleeping on a chair.) Poor Hodge! Left alone again. But
you like to be alone, don’t you? You and your master keep much the
same hours, you know. He’s out till the middle of the night, and so
are you. He’s in bed half the morning, when honest folk are working,
and so are you. But you are different from him in one way, Hodge. You
like to be alone. All cats like to be alone. But he
surrounds himself with company. He hedges himself with
friends. That’s the long and the short of it, Hodge. And
you must remember that, and you must keep him company in the early hours and
not stay out mousing or whatever you’re about. And I must keep him
company and even poor Williams must keep him company. (Quietly to
Hodge) Though what solace that old witch can provide is beyond me!
was that?
LEVET I’m going out, Miss
W. I’m off down to my club (he pauses). We meet at
the White Hart round the corner. Fine company, fine talk and fine
beer, Miss W. (He shouts back to the cat as he leaves.) Remember
what I said, Hodge. Remember what I told you!
herself) And now he will be laying down some tenet of the most
abstruse moral philosophy. If only I could be there! If
only women were men! Heavens, we can drink port as well as they can,
and as for talk, ha, we can certainly talk better! Ah well. I wonder
what he is saying now. I wonder.
(She goes out as the light on her fades. Johnson and Boswell
enter from the other side of the stage. They are walking home
through the narrow streets of London off the Strand.)
JOHNSON (Pointing to the ground with his stick.) This is
a drain! This, Bozzy, on the side of the road here, is a drain.
JOHNSON This is the way back home, Bozzy, because this is the
drain. I remember it well. I fell into it over twenty
years ago! Those were the days, Bozzy. Those were the days! You would
have enjoyed living in London then. Then there were some great men for you to
talk to! We are all ordinary now. There are no giants
left. Anyway, this is my drain and so we must go (he points with his
stick) this way. This is a short cut to the Strand. I
know my London, Bozzy. Well, we had a good talk at the club tonight!
BOSWELL Yes, you tossed and gored several
people! Goldsmith was quiet though.
JOHNSON Yes, Goldsmith is not well. I don’t think he is
well. But it’s good for Goldie to be quiet. He gets on in
a conversation without knowing where to get off! But he is a good
man, Bozzy. You know he’s written a play? It will be
performed in Covent Garden very soon. “She Stoops to Conquer.”
Mistaking a house for an inn, or an inn for a house or something like
that. But it will live, Bozzy. That play will live, and
that is what matters. I wrote a verse drama once. High
tragedy. “Irene” it was called. But who wants a play in
verse today? A play in verse will never succeed on the stage of
London again! The subject was good, the poetry was not bad, but it
won’t live, Bozzy. I fact, it has more or less died off
already! The public don’t like it, and they’re right! It
doesn’t amuse them, and they have a right to be amused. They pay
their money, after all. But Goldsmith’s play will live.
There! Here we are, Charing
Cross! Look! Just look, Bozzy. Look at London
passing by. This is the centre of the world! The full
tide of human existence is at Charing Cross! (Boswell whips out his notepad to
write this down.)
BOSWELL “The full tide…”
JOHNSON (Impatiently) Let’s get on now!
BOSWELL I am taking notes, Sir.
BOSWELL For a life. For your life, Sir. To
write your life.
JOHNSON (His first reaction is to explode with
anger. Then he reconsiders the idea.) If you do it at
all, Bozzy, you must do it well. Yes, I think you will do it well.
BOSWELL So I can continue? I have your blessing?
JOHNSON Do what you can, Bozzy. It is good to read other
men’s lives. In that way we can amend our own. There may
be something in mine worth the telling. But God preserve anyone else
from having to live something similar. Here we are! The
Strand, Bozzy. I said we’d come out in The Strand.
BOSWELL You once wrote a poem about the Strand, I believe Sir.
JOHNSON Not about the Strand, Bozzy. The Strand is a
fine street. No. I was just angry at this mania for
ballads. Everyone is writing ballads. Everyone has gone
mock-medieval. Most fashions are ridiculous, and so is this
one. Ballads are child’s play. I could talk in ballad
stanzas all night. Listen!
“I put my hat upon my head,
And walked into The Strand,
And there I met another man
With his hat in his hand.”
That was the poem I wrote, and it is absolute rubbish! Here’s another!
“I went to have a cup of tea
Quite near Trafalgar Square,
But when I looked for that tea house
I found it wasn’t there!”
More rubbish.
“The king of England has a cat,
Which caught a mouse last night.
But when …”
BOSWELL (Interrupting) Yes, Sir. Perhaps that is enough.
JOHNSON Well, yes. Perhaps it is. Look we are home,
Bozzy. You’ll take tea with Miss Williams?
BOSWELL But it’s nearly half past one!
JOHNSON Miss Williams will be up and waiting. Look up
there! Can’t you see her old mob cap at the window? She’s
looking out for me, although she is as blind as a bat, poor old
dear. I call that fortitude. There. She’s
gone. (Mischievously) She’ll be filling your cup of tea
BOSWELL Yes, I’m afraid she will. (Resigned) Lead on
then, Sir. (Johnson goes ahead and Boswell turns to the
audience) I remember an occasion soon after I met
Johnson. Goldsmith was there too and we had been in one of the
taverns, the Essex Head I think it was, or it may have been the
Mitre. We came out into the cold night air, and it was very late,
just like tonight. Anyway Goldsmith and Johnson started to walk off together,
and Goldsmith turned round. He shouted “I go to drink tea with Miss Williams”
as if Miss Williams were the Queen of England. And how I envied
him. He was invited to Johnson’s house, the sanctum sanctorum! And
now I, too, am invited to tea with Miss Williams. When we finally
achieve what we long for, then we start to long for something
else. And so we pass our time in longing. (Confiding to the
audience) That’s philosophy!
JOHNSON Boswell!
BOSWELL Right. Up I go then.
JOHNSON (More impatiently) Bozzy!
BOSWELL (Seeing the cat) Hello, Hodge. Yes, I’ve become
more fussy about how Miss Williams pours the tea, haven’t I
Hodge? Come on. Let’s go in and see Miss Williams. (He
goes in)
JOHNSON Come on, man. Hodge isn’t the only one who will
put up with you.
MISS WILLIAMS (Looking angrily at Boswell) Ah I see we need another
cup. Or perhaps the gentleman is not staying?
JOHNSON Yes, of course he’s staying. Another cup please Miss
(Boswell joins Johnson and Miss Williams at the tea
table. She has two cups ready and makes a great show of grudgingly
going to the cupboard for a third.)
WILLIAMS Who was at
The Club this evening, Sir?
JOHNSON We were all there. Garrick and Burke and
Reynolds. Lanky was there, and so was Goldsmith, though he wasn’t
well. And Beauclerk was there, but he wasn’t well either. Bozzy, did you notice
that Beauclerk looked pale?
BOSWELL (Hurriedly to the audience) Topham Beauclerk, wit, man of
society, direct descendant of Charles II, Nell Gwyn you know, recently married
JOHNSON (Thundering) Boswell! Pay attention! Did
you notice that Beauclerk looked pale? He was not himself.
BOSWELL I think he is having disagreements with his wife.
JOHNSON Disagreements! I am not surprised!
BOSWELL (To audience again) His wife is a daughter of the Duke of
Marlborough and she was married to Viscount Bolingbroke. She left
the Viscount to marry our friend Beauclerk. A
divorce. Great scandal. You know the sort of
thing. Best hushed up. The trouble is that everyone in
London knows about it!
(To Johnson) Perhaps if I had a word with her. I
might be able to help?
JOHNSON Never meddle in another person’s marriage! They
are a pair. Married people are paired off and that’s
it. They are formidable. Do not meddle,
Bozzy! You would be cut to shreds!
what was the topic at The Club this evening?
BOSWELL Why, the very subject we are discussing
now. Matrimony! Langton mentioned marriage, and you said,
JOHNSON (To Miss Williams as Boswell is searching through his notes
for the quote.)
Marriage has many pains, but celibacy has no pleasures!
WILLIAMS True, true.
BOSWELL Ah, here it is. “Marriage has many pains, but
celibacy has no pleasures!”
(Johnson and Miss Williams exchange a patient glance.)
And then you said, about a man who had married for the second time… (He
searches in his notes again.)
JOHNSON (To Miss Williams) A second marriage is the
triumph of hope over experience.
BOSWELL (Reading his notes) I’ve got it! “A
second marriage is the triumph of hope over experience!”
JOHNSON Yes, Bozzy, very good. Very
good. Serve the tea, Miss Williams. Serve the tea.
BOSWELL Tea! Oh dear! Yes, just a little
please, Miss Williams, just a little. Half a cup is
fine. No need to fill it to the top!
(She does fill it to the top, and, as always, tests with her finger to
check how full it is.)
Oh dear.
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