Johnson of London Part two 'Oxford'
BOSWELL Yes, we’re at Oxford now. Dreaming spires
and home of lost causes and all that! Johnson went there when he was
19. Ah, university days! “The best years of your
life!” Everyone says that! If only they knew! Well, they
may be the best years for some but for so many, they are hard, very
hard. For a few, they are anguish. These are young men,
and young women now of course, trying to map out their whole lives, to sink or
swim in a very wide sea, to set themselves standards, to right the wrongs of
the whole wide world, refusing to accept help and taking themselves so very
Johnson’s father went over to Oxford with him, proud as a peacock, as
the fathers of young men going up to Oxford always are. Ha!
When his father had said goodbye and had started on his journey back to
Lichfield, Johnson was left alone in his room in Pembroke
College. That’s the college on the right, you know, as you go down
the road from Carfax, the crossroads. It’s near Christchurch, but
then everything in Oxford is near Christchurch! It’s so big! The
first evening at Oxford, and it’s not school any more. No, it’s not
easy. It’s certainly not all cakes and ale!
The light on Boswell fades, and Johnson is seen pacing his room.
JOHNSON (At the window of his room) Bye, bye. (He waves) Oh,
he’s not looking. (He turns away) Come on! Its bad luck to watch
someone out of sight. The horse is set for home. That
horse is terrible. On the outward journey we can’t get it to put one
foot in front of the other, but the moment it turns for home, it’s off in a
(He looks round the room) Now the fire. Where the devil is
the fireplace? I’ll freeze without a fire. (He looks
around.) They’ve given me the room in the tower! Four outside
walls! And no fire! Didn’t medieval masons know how to
build a chimney? It’s just a hole in the wall after all. How can you
think great thoughts if you’re freezing cold? It was all right for
Aristotle. He lived in Greece! It’s warm there! How many
English Aristotles could there have been if our philosophers hadn’t had to
spend their time searching for firewood and trying to keep warm? (He goes to
his trunk and opens it.) Scarf, socks, blanket. Only one blanket? Oh
dear. Now where are my gloves? (Sits down) I’ve left my gloves
in Lichfield! (shouts) Aargh!
BOSWELL The days passed into weeks, and the weeks became months,
and the trees in Christchurch meadow lost their leaves, the nights drew in, and
the mists coming up from the River Cherwell and the Thames filled the streets
of the city and the very quadrangles of the colleges when it grew dark in the
late afternoon.
greatcoat and scarf) Yes, here I can spread my wings! Here, at
least, is learning. But the place is sometimes lacking in common sense.
What use is leaning without common sense? What is the point of
speaking five languages if you are an idiot in each one of
them? Better to be a fool in English than a fool in
Greek. There is nothing worse than an Athenian blockhead!
And what use is university to me? I haven’t even the money to
pay for my breakfast. How many rich sons of rich men will get their
degree, in time, just by eating enough breakfasts, and I shall be lucky to last
a year! They just stay here until a little learning brushes off on them, like
mud on a post by the road!
I have some good friends here though. But somehow college
friends are not what school friends are. School friends stay with
you for life! They are part of you. If an old school
friend walks through the door, however long has passed in between, you just
carry on where you left off.
Taylor’s a good friend. John Taylor. He comes over
from Christchurch to tell me the lectures. I can’t go there because
of my shoes! My shoes are full of holes! The hallowed ground
of Christchurch will not accept my holy shoes! Holy
shoes! (He gives a hollow laugh.) Ha ha! How many mediocre men have
the run of the place because their fathers can give them fine
shoes! That’s what you need at Oxford! New shoes!
But come on Sam. Up and meet it! If I cannot
go to Christchurch, then Christchurch can come to me. Come
I’ve translated Alexander Pope’s “Messiah” into Latin. My
tutor praised it. Pope praised it. Everyone praised
it. But you can’t live off praise. A couple of fried eggs with
bacon is more use than praise. . At least it fills you up! What use is praise!
(Knocking on the door.)
Come in! Come in, Taylor!
TAYLOR (Entering with papers in his hand) I’ve
got it Sam!
JOHNSON Well, let’s have it then. (Johnson finds
Taylor a chair and they both sit at the table. Johnson clears
papers, plates and clothes from the table to make room.)
TAYLOR Geometry. We did geometry
today. It was Euclid!
JOHNSON Euclid. That’s promising!
TAYLOR (Musing happily) A very fine
lecture. A very fine lecture indeed! A lot of people
there, you know. He has a beautiful delivery.
JOHNSON Yes, man. But what did he say?
TAYLOR Ah well. You see this figure
here. (Producing his notes) This line here. No, it was
this one. I think. Yes, this one. If it is
parallel to that one, it is exactly half its length.
TAYLOR Well. The square on the … No,
no. That was last week. Well, it’s logically correct. It
must be. (Johnson looks at him questioningly.)
I know. I should have written it down. I’ll go back to
Christchurch and get him to tell me again. (Sighs) It all seemed so
clear at the time. (He leaves.)
Taylor’s a fine fellow, and he’s good to me, but he’ll never set the
Thames on fire.
(He looks round his room.) My father’s books. He
gave me over a hundred when I came here. He has invested in
me! And I will be worth it! I can do it! I know I can!
Look at Edwards. Oliver Edwards. He’s happy
here. He enjoys life without much effort. What did he say
the other day? “I have tried too in my time to be a philosopher but,
I don’t know how, cheerfulness was always breaking in.” That’s not
bad! And then we talked about eating late at night and he said, “I
consider supper as a turnpike through which one must pass in order to get to
bed!” Not bad! He’ll get his degree and work
happily in his profession. He won’t excel but he’ll fill his
niche. He’ll be content. I make every effort to be happy
and I get nowhere. But if I can’t be happy, at least I’ll not be
miserable. I’ll fight it! I’ll fight it!
TAYLOR (Bursting in, rather out of breath, with more papers in his hand.
Johnson at once changes his mood to friendly enthusiasm) Got
it. I’ve got it, Sam! Crystal clear! Look!
JOHNSON (Looking at the paper) Yes, that’s
it! Euclid is not so hard after all! I think, John, we
can crack Euclid between us! A beer on it? What about a
TAYLOR The Bear Tavern?
JOHNSON The Bear Tavern.
(They go out, Johnson singing.)
Good beer does more than Milton can,
(Taylor joins in.) To justify God’s ways to man!
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