Dorigen Part 6 'The Wizard'
They rode to where this wizard lived,
A stone’s throw from the cathedral spire.
A tall house with a gable high
That overhung the street below.
A massive door of wood there was
Studded with rusty nails of iron.
And on the wall, engraved in brass,
Recorded all who there had lived
In previous years. They had proudly placed their name
Optimistic when they came
But when they left and went their way
No one took their name away.
The three climbed up a staircase all of stone
Which spiralled up with steps well-worn
And windows arched at every turn.
This wound up to the wizard’s rooms.
When he threw open the old oaken door
They were amazed at the fine tapestries they saw.
Which covered each and every wall.
The carpets were a deep red hue and so thick they were
Their feet sank down at every step.
Curtains rich, bunched in thick folds of purple and of gold,
Lined each side of two fine windows tall.
A large round table with ten chairs or more
Stood in the centre of the lofty room
And polished benches ran along the wall.
The wizard made them well at home.
He clapped his hands and all at once
Appeared two servants carrying trays
Who served them both with food and drink.
They sat and marvelled at the meal
Of venison and fowl of every kind
With sauces made from every spice and herb.
Oranges, melon, peach and pear
Were heaped upon the platters there
Though then it was mid-winter time
And outside there was no leaf or fruit
In any orchard or on any tree.
The sun came streaming through the coloured
Of the stained glass windows there
Though Anselm remembered when they came
The skies were cloudy and with heavy scuds
of rain.
The wizard took a jug of bubbling wine
And poured it into goblets fine
Which he handed to them both,
And then he raised his drink and made a toast
‘May each one gain the thing that he needs most.’
When they could eat and drink no more,
He took them to a room with one white wall.
There was a row of chairs before
And in these chairs he made them sit.
Then first some colours, then some shapes
And then some figures came to life
Upon the wall though there was nothing there at all.
They saw a park of great extent full of wild deer
With massive antlers running here
Among the leafy oaks and beech.
A hundred were caught by the baying hounds
In the frantic chase of the great hunt.
Then they saw falconers with their hawks
Upon the bank of a fair river which flowed past,
Hunting the heron flying there.
So wide this river was and with such trees
It might have been the River Wye
That flows past Tintern and its wooded dales,
One side in England and one side in Wales.
And then he showed them scenes of Dorigen
Walking in the garden near her home,
And Tristan thought he saw himself there too,
Dancing with her hand in hand,
And as he watched it seemed to him she smiled.
How he made these scenes appear,
The wizard would not say,
But suddenly he clapped his hands
And all those sights just went away.
While they looked at these amazing things
They had never left the house
But the three of them stayed by themselves
In the wizard’s study where he kept his books
Row after row on the crowded shelves.
After supper and another glass of wine or more
The three sat down to business.
The wizard was no fool and well he knew
How to bargain and negotiate
And how the wisest men are generous
When they have eaten well and had a drink or two.
And speaking clearly he began,
‘What will you give me to remove the rocks
From all the coast of Brittany and then,
From the Gironde to the mouth of the Seine?’
He threw this clause in for good measure
To show he did not stint his magic powers.
But he was firm and made it crystal clear
That for less than one thousand pounds of gold
He would not lift a finger.
Tristan was overjoyed at this.
‘What is a thousand pounds!’ he said.
‘I’d pay it twice over if I had to!’
But Anselm worried more at this.
‘How can you find so much unless you sell
Your house and home and your inheritance?
Between us we have nothing like so much to hand.’
But Tristan laughed and answered then,
‘The whole wide world would I give
For just one hour with Dorigen.
Let us say yes to this with speed.’
And dreaming of what he wanted most,
He then shook hands with his strange host,
And the deal was struck and all agreed.
‘Now set to work on this and keep us here no longer,’
Said Tristan, still unsure of the wizard's powers.
His host then smiled and quietly replied,
‘We start tomorrow, and for that you have my word.’
Then Tristan cheerfully went to bed
And no sooner had he laid his head
On the soft pillow than he was asleep.
He slept more soundly than he’d slept for years.
Anselm, though, lay hours awake,
And worried for his brother’s sake.
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