Bristol to Manchester

Bristol to Manchester

Overheard in a café in the motorway services northbound on the M5.

It was crowded that morning at the services.
Not a table was free so I sat where I could.

An old man sipped his tea right next to me.
There was a rare empty chair on the other side.
He smiled and was content to sit and drink.
A young man came and took the vacant chair
With no hint of “OK with you if I do?”
With no smile, just a frown as he sat down there.

The old man looked, put down his tea and said,
“So where are you going in such haste, my friend?
“From Bristol to Manchester if you must know
I’m upping sticks and moving house today.
I need some fresh air and a change of scene.”
“Somewhere different from where you have been?”
“Exactly. Now, what are the people like where I’m going?”
“Well, tell me first, my friend, the folk you’ve left,
What did you think of them?”
“Scum, the lot of them. Not one that I could trust.
There wasn’t one I wanted for a friend.”
“I am sorry for you then, for you will find
The people of Manchester are just like them,
Like the men and women you’ve left behind.”

The man went, and another saw the chair.
“Do you mind if I sit down here with you?”
“Not at all. And where are you going to now?
“To Manchester.  I’ve worked in Bristol a year or so.
But because of my job I have to go.
Now what are the people like where I’m heading?”
“Well, tell me first, my friend, the folk you’ve left,
What did you think of them?”
“I’ll miss them all for I made some good friends.
They were kind and helped me whenever they could.”
“I’m happy for you then, for you will find
The people of Manchester are just like them,
Like the men and women you’ve left behind.”

The old man pushed aside his empty cup
And he smiled at me then when he got up.
As he walked away and made for the door,
I nodded at the man sitting opposite me.
I envied him his destiny
As I wished him good bye and I wished him good luck.


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