Johnson of London Part 14 "An Excursion"
(Having left the Mitre, Boswell and Johnson are in the street in front
of Johnson’s door. Between them they are supporting Levet.)
JOHNSON Good night, Bozzy. Go home to bed like a
respectable citizen. Good night.
(Johnson goes towards his house with Levet leaning heavily on his
LEVET (Shouting back as he
goes.) Goodnight Mr Boswell, Nightie, nightie!
(He leaves with Johnson.)
BOSWELL (To audience) Ah bed! Johnson will keep us up
till all hours of the morning. Why? Well, he dreads going
home. He dreads being alone. Ah, bed! Which way is
it? This way, I hope.
(He leaves, right.)
JOHNSON (He enters left, at home. He is still supporting
Levet. He shouts up the stairs, not expecting an answer.)
Goodnight, Miss Williams!
(He fits Levet into a chair.)
Good night, Levet.
Hodge is here, is he? (He goes to the fireplace to
check.) No, Hodge is out on his rounds, catching somebody else’s
mice when he should be catching ours. Yet nobody else’s cat comes
here. If Hodge hunts elsewhere he should make a reciprocal
arrangement with the other cats or we’ll be overrun with mice. I’ll
talk to him about it in the morning.
(He looks around him and sits in the chair near the fireplace.)
Well, goodnight all.
They are all asleep and I am alone. Alone! This is
when my mind can get at me! Other people manage alright. I
make a joke and the whole roomful of people laugh, but they never imagine what
I go through. It doesn’t show. Of course it doesn’t
show. I hope it doesn’t show.
Oh yes, I can laugh and drink and be witty with the best of them, but
then sooner or later I have to face myself. The mind can be
entertaining in its time off, but how it can torture when it is on
duty. Pointless worry! Pointless, did I say? Yes, it is
My knees are sore with prayer and my face is creased with
worry. There’s no purpose in it! Ay, there’s the rub. It
is unreasonable. These fears of death and hell and
retribution. I know they are empty. Our best is all
that’s required of us. This I know and this I believe, yet my
God-given reason goes down one path and my mind goes down another. I
can’t stop it.
It’s wicked to worry, so I worry about my worries, and that too is
worry. Ad infinitum! Like the reflection in two mirrors
facing each other in a hallway.
Any work anyone else can heap on us is nothing compared to what we
inflict on ourselves.
Oh Sam, Sam!
(There is a loud knocking at the street door.)
Who’s that? Who’s that? Wake Duncan with thy
knocking. I would thou could’st. Wake reason with
thy knocking! I would thou could’st. Well, on we go! Up
and on, Sam. Up and on!
(There is more knocking. He picks up a poker from the grate,
walks over to the window and leans out.)
JOHNSON Who’s there?
LANGTON (Off stage. He shouts up from the
street.) Bennet Langton and Topham Beauclerk at your service,
Sir. We have been drinking.
JOHNSON Drinking?
BEAUCLERK Beauclerk here,
Sir. Would your lordship condescend to come down and continue our
rounds with us? We are visiting the inns of London.
JOHNSON (To himself.) At two in the
morning? Why not?
(He shouts down.) What is it you, you dogs! Come,
I’ll have a frisk with you.
(In the street.)
LANGTON But is it right to be waking him up at this time of the
BEAUCLERK Johnson is equal to
anything, if he puts his mind to it. Even to pleasure, and that is harder than
work. We’ll see which of us tires first. And it won’t be
(Enter Johnson, pulling on his greatcoat.)
JOHNSON Now, my lads. Here I am. Where to now?
BEAUCLERK Just down here there’s an
inn that’s bound to be open. The jam tart! Follow me! (He
LANGTON (Mystified) The what?
JOHNSON The jam tart. The White Hart. Don’t
you understand English, Lanky? That’s where Levet usually
drinks. Come on!
(Johnson goes and Langton and Beauclerk follow. They cross
and re-cross the stage several times, and begin to sing, at first softly and
then louder.)
“And shall Trelawney live?
Or shall Trelawney die?
Here’s twenty thousand Cornishmen
Shall know the reason why.”
(At each reappearance the two younger men are less and less
steady. Johnson seems to gain strength as the night wears
on. They enter again each from a different side of the stage.)
JOHNSON Ah here we are again!
ALL Here we are again
Happy as can be
All good friends
And jolly good company.
LANGTON Sometimes I feel we are singing songs that have not yet
been written.
JOHNSON That matters not a jot. Shakespeare talks of a
clock in ‘Julius Caesar’. These things are of no importance, Lanky,
no importance at all.
BEAUCLERK Where are we? I seem
to have lost my bearings. I thought I knew where we were but now I don’t
know…where I am.
JOHNSON We are in Covent Garden. This is the stomach of
London. Look it is barely light and they are bringing the fruit of a thousand
gardens to sell here. Look! This is how you stack
oranges. (He takes an orange which he places rather unsteadily on
top of an enormous pile of oranges. The whole pile falls to the
ground. They run off.)
VOICE (Off) Hoy! You
(The three reappear, with pewter tankards. They have been to
another inn.)
JOHNSON Look! The Thames. Look at
her. “Sweet Thames, run softly, till I end my song.”
LANGTON Ben Jonson?
JOHNSON Spencer, Lanky. Spencer.
Just look at the Thames. You know, earth has not anything to
show more fair… (To Langton, who has produced a pencil.) No, no,
don’t write it down! You’re as bad as Boswell! Anyway, it
hasn’t been said yet. We must not be greedy. We must
leave something for the rest of them that come later.
You know, looking at this great river and all the gallons and gallons of
water that flow past each second, I sometimes wonder why it doesn’t just
stop! A final great wall of water, and then nothing. Just dry earth
and sand. It can’t be raining enough anywhere to maintain such a supply.
But look at it. It just flows on and on, all night when we are
sleeping, carelessly filling up the ocean.
LANGTON It is getting light. We should be up and about
at this time every morning. This is better than snoring in bed.
JOHNSON Yet if you saw this scene every day, you would think
nothing of it. People who have to start work at six o’clock every
day are not over impressed by the beauty of the morning. Its
attraction is its novelty. Look, Beauclerk hasn’t seen the light of
dawn for years. He’s very attracted by it. Now, here is
St Pauls. It’s a noble building. I’ll race you once round St Pauls.
BEAUCLERK No, something more restful,
please. I suggest a boat trip. A nice quiet boat
trip. So, down the steps to the river. (To a boatman.) Your rowing
boat for half an hour, Sir? Good. Here’s you
are! (He gives the boatman money.)
(To Johnson) Careful now, Sir. Easy does it.
Careful as you step in the boat or we’ll all be in the water!
(They all exit and the boatman appears, contentedly counting some
coins. There is a sound of singing.)
Row, row, row your boat,
Gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily…
(There is a loud splash.)
LANGTON What was that?
BEAUCLERK One oar gone!
(The boatman groans.)
(Another loud splash)
LANGTON And that?
BEAUCLERK The other oar gone.
(The boatman groans again, louder this time.)
LANGTON What do we do now? We are on the Thames at six
in the morning and oarless!
JOHNSON Use your hats, gentlemen. Paddle
away. Use your hats. There we are. Back again.
(They reappear, climbing the steps from the river.)
LANGTON (Giving some money to the boatman.) And this is
for the oar.
THE BOATMAN (Counting the money) There were two oars,
LANGTON Ah yes, so there were. You are absolutely right.
(He hands over some more money, and the boatman hurriedly leaves to
check his boat and tie her up securely.)
(Langton puts on his hat and water streams out of it. Seeing this, the
other two shake their hats thoroughly before putting them on.)
Well, now I am afraid I must leave you.
JOHNSON (Astounded) Leave us?
BEAUCLERK Langton has to go and take
breakfast with some young ladies. A previous appointment,
JOHNSON Lanky, I am disappointed in you. You leave our
company to take breakfast with a set of un-idea’d girls.
Well, lead on, Beauclerk, lead on. It is a new
day. There are many things to be done. There is much to
be enjoyed. Come on!
(Johnson leaves. Langton sits down on the ground, his back against
a pillar.)
BEAUCLERK (To Langton) You remember
what I said when we started? ‘Who will tire first?’ I said. Look at
(He leaves in tired pursuit of Johnson.)
LANGTON I must go to that breakfast. I really must get
up and go to that breakfast. I promised I would go to that…
(He lies down and falls asleep.)
JOHNSON (off) Come on, Beauclerk. Come on!
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